Pre-Pub – The Days Before a New Release!

The days before a new release are so super-charged!  I’m doing lots of interviews, guest blogs, posts and getting ready to go on the road.  Meanwhile, I’m knee deep in revisions on the next book.  Crazy times!  I’m excited and nervous all at once!  You’d think after so many years of doing this, I would be more immune to the hills and valleys of pre-publication time.  But I’m not!  My book is on its way to the stores and digital storage for downloads.  And, now, there’s nothing more I can do for it.  It’s all up to you!

So, now is the time! If you plan to buy HEARTBROKEN, and cannot make it to an event (best place to pick up a copy and get it signed, and I look forward to seeing you), it would be fabulous if you pre-ordered your copy today! You can buy it online from your favorite independent or chain bookseller by clicking here.

There are a lot of benefits to pre-ordering, both for the author as well as the reader.  Pre-orders generate excitement at the publisher and with the booksellers.  When they see readers clamoring to get a copy of the book early, they know that people are jazzed about the release.  It really impacts word of mouth, placement, and even the number of copies in the stores.  Also, pre-order sales count towards first week sales, which is the week with the best shot at hitting bestseller lists.  For readers, it ensures that you get the book as soon as possible and can start reading immediately!  And it can even drive sales campaigns that lower the cost for you.  My pre-orders are always really solid – because my readers are such an active, faithful crew.  But this year, I’m hoping to really hit it out of the park.  And I know I can count on you to help me do that!

If you read HEARTBROKEN and enjoy it, please don’t be shy about posting your positive reviews online, telling your friends, posting on Facebook or Twitter, or just sending me a note letting me know your thoughts.  It means a lot to me, and really there’s nothing nicer you can do for an author than spread the word about her work. In the age of social media, it’s easier than ever.

Your support means the world to me! Thank you so much, and thanks for reading!


  1. Opal @ Celebrate Life on July 11, 2012 at 6:46 am

    Lisa, I’m looking forward to reading Heartbroken.

    I should receive the book within the next few days.While I much prefer the actual book to audio, recently I’ve been choosing an audio copy, if it’s available. Lately, I’ve been doing a lot of needlework (crochet, knitting, and sewing) in my down time, listening to the audio version makes it much easier especially when I’m working on a complicated stitch.

    I can’t wait to crack open your newest book!