An Evening with Stephen King and John Grisham
Wow! I’m still seeing stars this morning after attending Bookends: An Evening with Two Literary Giants featuring Stephen King and John Grisham. Held at the State College of Florida and benefitting the Manatee Library Foundation, this fundraiser commanded over $200,000 last night.

Stephen King, John Grisham and Lisa Unger.
I was privileged to meet both authors at the VIP reception held before the event, and aside from being mega-talented superstars, they were both as sweet and lovely as two people could be. Stephen King is one of my earliest and most powerful influences as a writer and one of my first loves as a reader, so meeting him was really a dream come true. (He gave me a hug!!) And it was an equal delight to meet John Grisham, arguably one of the greatest thriller writers — well, ever. He was as kind and charming as you imagine him to be.
On stage they engaged in a smart and funny conversation about their careers, lives, their wives, and how publishing has changed over the years — with a little bit of politics thrown in. It really could not have been more enjoyable. The life of the writer can be a solitary one, with lots of highs and lows. So, it’s always an inspiration to listen to iconic talents talk about the hills and valleys of their own careers. Colette Bancroft gives a wonderful recap in the Tampa Bay Times today.
It was a stellar evening, meeting these luminary gentlemen and participating in an event that benefits libraries and literacy programs, something that is so important to our communities.
And, of course, because I can never forget my wonderful readers, I have a Signed First Edition of John Grisham’s ROGUE LAWYER to giveaway! Sign up and be entered to win!
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Stephen King and John Grisham event. Signed book giveaway.