Read Women

Before writers are anything, we are readers. Those early books we held in our hands, the ones our parents read to us, they formed us.  And I often think about that as my husband and I, both readers, read each night to our daughter.  Books are such a gift, doorways into other worlds, other minds.  Frankly, I can’t imagine a life without books.

But for plenty of children, books are an unaffordable luxury.  Perhaps even a trip to the library might be out of reach.  That’s why when my friend and fellow author Alafair Burke invited me, and some of my favorite authors, to support an organization called First Book, I jumped at the chance.  First Book, a nonprofit organization, connects book publishers and community organizations to provide access to new books for children in need.  A very important cause, I’m sure you’ll agree.

The whole enterprise seemed perfect to me.  Because two things I really don’t like to hear people say are 1) I don’t read, and 2) I don’t usually read books by women.  Both of these comments leave me feeling perplexed, and a little grumpy.

Anything you buy will profit First Book, so you’ll be helping put books in the hands of kids in need, and encouraging men to read books by women.  How can you go wrong?

What I’m reading:  The Wave by Susan Casey
What I’m listening to: Semi-Precious Weapons/ You Love You
What I’m reading to Ocean:  Ramona and her Father/ Beverly Cleary