Ridley Jones Crosses the Pond

Ridley Jones is a globetrotter, we know this. One might find her in France, Germany, The Netherlands, to name just a few of the places publishing her adventures. Thanks to the stellar foreign rights people at Crown, BEAUTIFUL LIES and SLIVER OF TRUTH have been sold in 26 territories and counting. So I am thrilled and privileged to hear from readers around the world who are connecting with Ridley Jones; one morning I had email from readers in three different countries. Amazing!

The most recent of these sales was to Arrow, an imprint of Random House UK. They will be publishing BEAUTIFUL LIES, SLIVER OF TRUTH and the next two books (more details to come). It’s a wonderful arrangement and I’m very excited (even more so because they’ll be coordinating with my pals at Random House Australia who have done a FANTASTIC job with BEAUTIFUL LIES and SLIVER OF TRUTH).

From the Arrow press release:

BEAUTIFUL LIES will be published in hardback in spring 2008, with both the paperback of BEAUTIFUL LIES and the hardback of the second Ridley Jones novel, SLIVER OF TRUTH, following six months later.

In addition to her New York Times bestseller success, Lisa Unger is also already a major seller for Random House Australia.

Kate Elton, Arrow Publishing Director said: ‘I’m hugely excited to be adding Lisa Unger to Arrow’s list of bestselling crime and thriller authors. She’s a fantastically good writer, and Ridley Jones is a brilliant series character with huge potential.’

To see some of the gorgeous cover incarnations from my publishers around the world, click here!


  1. debbie allen on February 12, 2008 at 5:29 pm

    Yeah for Ridley! Our book group was not quite sure how Ridley made it to London, but some of us are looking forward to more of her in the future. Thanks for speaking, via telephone, to our bookgroup. We really enjoyed it!!!!